Tara – Skryne Landscape Conservation Area
‘Landscapes reflect the relationship between people, place and nature and form the backdrop to our daily lives.’ (Tara Skryne Landscape Project – Meath.ie)
This is most certainly true of Tara-Skryne. The area’s influence over the history and lives of the Irish people, whether fact or folklore, has been extensive. Meath County Council in partnership with the Heritage Council and the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government propose to designate Tara-Skryne a Landscape Conservation Area (under Section 204 of the Planning and Development Act 2000).
Meath County Council engaged TBS to assist them in preparing the Draft Tara Skryne Landscape Conservation Area. Specifically, TBS were engaged to carry out a short survey of the general study area which would inform the work being done by the Planning Authority under s.204. The TBS study comprised a reconnaissance and overview of the general study area, and ultimately delivered two key elements – A Visual Assessment and a Photographic Record.
Status: Complete
Client: Meath County Council